IBM Books

Nways Manager Large IP Map Restructure Version 2.0 User's Guide

Creating the IP Subnet hierarchy

After installing the application and customizing its registration file you can generate the restructured submap. Be sure to shutdown and restart your NetView EUI windows once after installing the Large IP Map Restructure application. With a map opened in read/write mode, select the option TOOLSà Refresh Large IP Map Restructure (LIPMAR) submap. For a detailed description of the submaps generated by the application, refer to Description of submaps, symbols, and connections.

Restructuring the IP Internet map of a large network is a lengthy process, which might take between 10 minutes and two hours depending on available system memory and processing power. During a considerable portion of this time the NetView EUI will be in synchronizing mode, which means that certain map operations such as, for example, cutting and pasting icons, are disallowed. You may therefore want to activate the application at a time the EUI will not be used for such operations.

The Large IP Map Restructure application does not automatically update its submaps as new nodes are added to the network. You can manually trigger an update of the submaps by selecting the refresh operation as described earlier in this section. Please note the following:

A perl script /usr/lipmar/bin/lipmar_ctl is available to either START or STOP a Large IP Map Restructure refresh from the command line. The command usage is:

	lipmar_ctl  [-n application]  [-m map] START|STOP
where the default application is "Large IP Map Restructure" and the default map is "default".

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